The next round of #twitterfeeding dinners are taking place at TEDActive 2012.

THERE’S A GOOD CHANCE  that you’ve arrived at this site for many of the same reasons we arrived at this very project idea. Let’s see if we’re the same person:

1.  You’re a foodie, either professionally or hobby-ishly.  (Also, you wish there was a better, less snobby way to say foodie.)

2.  You’re psyched to be alive  (and tweeting) during this epic tech revolution.  You love exploring and tinkering with all things digital.

3.  You think a convergence of the above was inevitable.  (Restaurants are beginning to encourage live tweeting; that message is actually printed on the menu at Homaro Cantu’s iNG.)   Part restaurant review, part literary salon, part tipsy banter, #twitterfeedings produce a unique, interesting and valuable twitter stream.

Bottom line:  High level discourse between courses? Sound bites between bites?  Sounds fun to me!



1.  So the idea is simple. You round up 6-8 friends (and nice strangers) for a dinner live in person and tweet highlights from your conversation.

2.  Our first round of #twitterfeedings took place in Chicago, Los Angeles and Hong Kong.  (See links at top of page.)

3.  Our next round of dinners will be taking place at TEDActive on Tuesday night February 28, 2012.  Learn more here.

4. To sign up or jump into an existing “pod,” email Amy and David at missamykr at yahoo dot com.

(We will try to archive as many of the #twitterfeeding streams as possible after TEDActive.)

tweet dreams,

amy kr and david                                                                                                                                            amy on twitter   david on twitter

