the girl behind this is amy krouse rosenthal.

the boy behind this is david hochman.

here’s to all that lies ahead of us…


(thank you to TEDActive for first putting us together)



What makes TwitterFeeding different from all other dinners is that it creates a lasting document for conversations that otherwise might have disappeared in a haze of wine and carbs.  Tweeting while eating lets you share deep conversation with the world. It’s an occasion all its own to bring the most interesting people you know together. It emphasizes the social part of social media in the most delicious way possible. Following a round of introductions and with a few prompts from the host (“when’s the last time you felt true awe?”) a TwitterFeeding has an unexpected excitement. You’ve assembled “a bunch of characters.”  Now, anything’s possible, especially as you share what you’re discussing with the world. It’s like the early days of television. Live, unpredictable, slightly messy, a little scary, even, but full of incredible potential. The stenographer Tweets while the rest of the party engages deeply. Food arrives. The drink glasses empty and refill. Laughter erupts. Eyes shimmer with excitement. Magic takes over. More than anything it reminded me of the dinner party epiphany from To the Lighthouse:

“Now all the candles were lit, and the faces on both sides of the table were brought nearer by the candlelight, and composed, as they had not been in the twilight, into a party round a table, for the night was now shut off by panes of glass, which, far from giving any accurate view of the outside world, rippled it so strangely that here, inside the room, seemed to be order and dry land; there, outside, a reflection in which things waved and vanished, waterily. Some change at once went through them all, as if this had really happened, and they were all conscious of making a party together in a hollow, on an island; had their common cause against that fluidity out there.”

– david hochman, thoughts after our LA TweeterFeeding, july 2011


*Round table, square meal logo – conceived by akr, designed by Team A Design